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Free Bible King James White Small Print Free Bible King James White Small Print

Free Bible King James White Small Print

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This King James Bible features both the old and new testaments in small print bound in a flexible white cover with a white ribbon bookmark. Measures 5-1/4 inches across by 7.5 inches long. Light weight.

The Gospel is the good news (gospel = good news) that each and every person may receive salvation and ever-lasting life with God through the Son, Jesus Christ. Truth must be learned, not told - it takes two people to share the Gospel: a leader and a learner. Become a leader by gifting these denim earrings along with the message of The Gospel (see below).

All good people go to Heaven, right?
We are encouraged to always test ourselves, whether we are a new Christian, a re-born Christian, or a practiced follower - here's how you can lead by sharing the simple process in your own words:

A Loving God?
- You shall have no other gods before Me (Exodus 20:3) The wages of sin is death and every person falls short of the glory of God's excellence. His standards of excellence are measured by the ten commandments (Exodus 20:3-17) Imagine you are in a courtroom watching the sentencing of a convicted car thief. The judge asks the thief, "Do you have anything to say before I sentence you?". The thief replies, "Please forgive me, I will not break the law again". The judge says, "Because I am a forgiving and loving judge, you are free to go", bangs the gavel and the court is adjourned. Is that a fair and just judge? What if the next week the same man is back in court for sentencing of another theft and the same scenario plays out? What if this happens weekly, monthly - over and over? What are your thoughts? Test yourself against God's ten commandments. Are you willfully living your life similar to that described above? What happens when you die and stand before God on judgment day? God is holy, good and just - He is a righteous God. Will your sentence be Heaven or hell?

- But now [God] commandeth all men every where to repent: Because he hath appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousnes (Acts 17:30-31) Repenting of our sins is an integral part of reconciling with God.  To repent is to feel sincere remorse and regret for wrongdoings and pursue a commitment to change for better. Recognizing sin, taking responsibility for sinful actions, feeling true remorse and regret for those sins and finally, admitting to and before God that you take ownership of those sins is critical to salvation.  How? You need only do so in private, confess to God through your own prayer in humble submission, laying all bare before Him.  ..when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; (Matthew 6:6)

Good Works?
- Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us (Titus 3:4-5).  Return to the courtroom where you are watching the sentencing of the convicted car thief. The judge asks the thief, "Do you have anything to say before I sentence you?". The thief replies, "Yes, I am guilty of stealing the car but, your honor I've done a lot of good things in my life. I've served meals to the homeless before, given money to charities and donated my time helping at the hospital. I've done a lot of good things." The judge says, "Because you've done good deeds, you are free to go", bangs the gavel and the court is adjourned. What if the conviction was for murder or any other crime? Can you see how doing good deeds and relying on your own works cannot get you into Heaven? (Ephesians 2:4-9 tells us God is rich in mercy even when we are heavily laden with sin and that He bestows upon us His grace and forgiveness as a gift whereby we are saved through our faith in Jesus Christ.)

John 3:16?
- Jesus saith unto him [Thomas], I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.  (John 14:6) Awakening to the holy mightiness of God, His immeasurable power and holiest standards of excellence; realizing you are completely and utterly reliant upon His mercy and grace that moves you to repentence of your sins; and finally submitting and baring your soul to God through prayer and accepting the gift of God the Son for your only salvation you shall be saved. (Romans 5:8-9 says while we are sinners, Christ died for us and we shall be saved from wrath through him.)

Don't Wait
Do It Now because you don't know when you will step through death's door. Realize and take ownership for your sins, repent and confess your sins to God, and put your trust and faith in Jesus to save you. There is no other way.  Make your request in private through your own words, taking all the time you need in prayer with The Lord, God to repent and confess. Ask His mercy and forgiveness; ask for and receive His gift of eternal life by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Request that the Holy Spirit abide within you to guide you with righteousness and protect you from the wiles of this temporary, earthly world. Now go forward and have faith in God, always seeking the Holy Spirit within your consciousness and being. May you receive His blessing and become a soldier for Salvation by sharing The Gospel through the simple process you just walked through above. Amen.
Product Code: KJVB-White
Brand: The Crafty Hobbit
Product Condition: New
weight: 8.0oz
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